When You Are Attuned With Your Spidey Sense Everything Becomes So Obvious

Jun 13, 2022

For most of my life I have felt like I didn’t fit in. I was always “somewhere” else in my mind when I was around others. I was constantly robbing the present to think about the future and hoping it would be better than where I was.

I was constantly comparing myself to others and felt like I didn’t measure up.

And eventually the pain of that scenario was less than my desire for it to be different.

So I got to work. I went on a sojourn to discover why I felt incomplete despite having all the boxes of success and happiness checked.

What I discovered was that I was spiritually bankrupt.

I grew up going to church and even served on committees of a local church as an adult and yet, it felt ok on the surface, but it did not soothe my longing to belong, feel loved unconditionally, and to know that I was supported 24-7, no matter what.

My discovery led me to Nutrition School, Yoga Teacher Training, Holistic Stress Management Certification, Yoga Nidra Teacher Certification, Reiki Certification, Energy Healing Certification, Akashic Records Certification, Spirit Junkie Masterclass, Tony Robbins Coaching and oodles of coaching programs.

What I learned is that the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself and the one with your higher self/God/Source/The Universe.

This relationship to something grander than you that is all loving, all knowing is what I call Spiritual Fitness. When you practice spiritual fitness it hones your spidey sense as a byproduct.

Your spidey sense is more or less your intuition, the built in safety mechanism that protects you and completely transforms your engagement with life by way of what it allows you to perceive through your spiritual lens/inner senses.

You absolutely can not put a price on knowing, practicing, and living with true inner peace and feeling supported 24-7.

I absolutely adore sharing what I have learned about this connection with others so they too don’t have to feel so alone and isolated on the journey.

Yes bad shit happens, and it is 175% up to you to navigate how gracefully you handle the lemons that arrive at your doorstep.

I believe that the most fulfilling life is one in which you are living in total alignment with your spiritual nature and you shine your soul purpose as brightly as possible so others have the permission to do the same.

I have never felt more loved, loveable, and connected to the greater collective for the greater good + I am no longer influenced by my surroundings. No matter what is going on in my vortex or around the world, I know that I’ll be ok because I am connected to my higher self + Source. I always know what to do and I am always protected and attaching to fear is never the solution. This way of being allows me to help lift others in a safe and healthy way. And when the lemons show up in full beast mode, I acknowledge them and move through it without having it take me sideways for days or weeks on end.

I don’t do anything that is complicated, dramatic, or unreasonable, which is why my bread & butter is teaching the 7 Principles of Spiritual Fitness.

Super fun, practical, accessible and TRANSFORMATIONAL beyond measure.

And I am holding court this Saturday at my Divine Timing Soul Travel Retreat to share this life affirming wisdom with you.

If this stirs your soul, go ahead and give it a look see, your soul just might be ready for your spiritual transformation at this auspicious juncture +I would be absolutely humbled to share what I have learned to support your soul’s expansion. 

In Divine Love,


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