What Inspires You This Winter Solstice?

Nov 30, 2021

Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the year and to celebrate the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of winter.

Lord knows, it’s been a wild year or so. One could argue that there are plenty of reasons to feel sad, defeated, and exhausted at this time.

However, being the opportunist that I am, I would offer that humans are designed to feel the full spectrum of emotions and this is a gift! And everything has polarity.

You can’t have the dark without the light. And while feeling down or defeated is probably pervasive for many, there is no reason one can’t also feel hope, inspiration, gratitude, and joy sprinkled in between.

We do live in a both, and world.

While the darkness can be uncomfortable, it’s a wonderful time to go within and reflect.

Plus, we wouldn’t be human-ing if we weren’t experiencing the full spectrum of emotions right?

So, I would love to know what is INSPIRING you on this day. Let me know in the comments.

Dolly Parton is totally inspiring me right now. I was invited to listen to her song, Wildflowers during a recent training. I am not particularly fond of the country genre, but there is something about this song I can’t get enough of. I absolutely love the lyrics and feel deep resonance with her words. Plus it goes so well with my new favorite hat. I met with a friend today and she gave me this cool Dolly mug. My how #divine

Wishing you and yours peace, compassion, and health this season.



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