If You're Looking For A Sign, This is It!

May 07, 2022

Signs and Synchronicities are the Universe’s way of letting you know to keep going!

When you trust that you are supported by something greater and you place your attention in the direction of your dreams, that is exactly what you will receive.

However, it sure is fun to get nods and winks from the angels and divine beings ✨ to let you know that you are unequivocally on the right path!

I call these synchronicities and want to share a few of mine with you in hopes that you will begin to see the evidence all around you that you too are supported in the game of life!

I define SYNCHRONICITIES as the endless flow of glee, expansion, abundance, and enlightenment that show up in spades when you are living true to your soul's desires and allowing the Universe to support your expansion.

This is the ultimate expression of divine feminine….allowing yourself to be supported and trusting with every ounce of your being that everything is always working out for your highest good and always in the most divine timing ✨

This doesn't mean that you are simply wishing and praying that your desires manifest, it means you are in flow with your intentions and your attention is focused on your specific desires in your thoughts, feelings, actions, and words with love and affection and with little attachment to how it all shows up.

Speaking of desires …at 4 years of age I recall having a deep desire to coach and mentor women to lead their most inspired lives.

However, as an adult a huge piece of me doubted my capabilities to fulfill this dream because I wasn't "creative enough" to be successful in this endeavor.

So I continued to work as a registered nurse as I focused on my dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

This bogus belief tormented me for so long that it nearly broke me. I almost gave up my dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

And then one day spirit took the wheel and life became instantly expansive!

I got on my knees and begged for angelic support in helping me break through this limiting belief.

I released my role in figuring out the solution to this problem. I surrendered fully and turned it over to the Universe or something greater.

And then the wildest thing occurred.

I was walking at my favorite lake, Lake Harriet in Minneapolis and someone said plain as day, "You should create an Oracle deck called Divine Downloads, Channeled Wisdom From Your Soul."

What in the actual hell just happened? I wish I could have seen the expression on my face!! I am by myself looking around for the angel who just spoke this message to me.

Within seconds it dawns on me that this message is coming from Source, the Divine, the Universe, and my Higher Self and I start laughing hysterically.

THIS decree from the divine is the ANSWER to my dilemma.

From that moment on, I experienced the most jubilant, childlike playfulness that words don't do justice.

And I went about fulfilling this divine assignment to engage in a super fun and creative passion project!

I found a graphic designer and I began writing down all the words I could recall that have helped me heal on an energetic, spiritual plane.

I was sitting at my desk questioning this entire process and happened to be indulging in a piece of chocolate. Low and behold I read the message on the wrapper and there is an image of an eagle. One of my spirit animals. This was the sign I needed to keep going.

During this time I stumbled upon the sacred practice of yoga Nidra. This ancient meditation practice works with your subconscious and allows you to very easily plant fertile seeds in your subconscious to manifest something new into your life. The seed I planted was that I easily create a card deck that supports women all over the world with ease and grace.

Two months later I am holding the Divine Downloads card deck in my hand and I am completely overcome by the presence of my angelic squad. They were all there standing around me in a circle. It was like a wave of the most powerful unconditional love and pride emanated from them to and through my entire body, spirit, and field. They started clapping and high fiving one another. I just bowed to them and said thank you.

If I died that night, I would have died a happy human. My soul was complete. I had completed this passion project ordained from the Divine and it was the most fun, most creative thing I have ever done other than birthing my son, Wallace.

My angelic squad said, "girl you have done well and we are going to reward you".

I just assumed that meant the reward was the epic amount of inner peace, unconditional love and creative expansion I was experiencing.

After this sacred juncture I went to my favorite coffee shop and was literally flying on cloud nine with joy and love and excitement about the possibilities knowing that I am actually creativeAF!!

The woman taking my order had the #33 tattooed on her arm. I said hey, I love your tattoo. She said her parents were Nascar drivers and the family all has their # tattooed on their arms. I said you are never going to believe this, but I just created an Oracle deck and it has exactly 33 cards!!

I took this as another sign from the Universe that I was on the right path for my soul's expansion.

Prior to the printing of my cards I decided that 33 was the number of cards I would have in my deck in lieu of 54 that is standard for card decks. When I outreached my designer to ensure it would be ok to have 33 cards instead of 54 and she was like, shut up, 33 is my number!!!!!

You seriously can't make this stuff up.

After awhile it literally becomes the way you do life! In flow, in synchronicity. Because why wouldn't you.

Soon after I received the card deck I started sharing it with others and no sooner were they asking how they could buy a deck and the rest is history!

Having never done this before, I just had 1 deck printed and delivered. I went and placed a bigger order and began shipping this little baby passion project to spiritually curious humans.

My soul is still smiling from this miraculous transformation that is helping others to boot!

None of this would have been possible had I continued to focus on the creativity that I lacked. I had to completely shift my focus and energy from lack to possibility. And when I did, the Universe and my posse of angels rushed in and did the heavy lifting while I sat back and had fun!

Just like decluttering your physical space, you must create the room and space for the Universe to support you!

Florence Scovel Shinn said it best, "you receive what you prepare for!"

The same is possible for you.

Are you open to what's possible for your soul's expansion?

Start today by opening yourself to the possibility that you are supported every step of the way and that when you surrender the how, every single thing will fall into place and it will all be in accordance with your soul's expansion and your highest good.

I would love to hear your stories of synchronicity. Let me hear from you in the comments 👇🏻


In Divine Love 💙



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